Short biography of Jagdish Chandra Bose - Indian scientist

Short biography of Jagdish Chandra Bose - Indian scientist

JAGDISH CHANDRA BOSE was born in India in November 30, 1858. He was a leading physicist of his age. He was a physicist at Presidency College in Kolkata, India, who pioneered the investigation of microwave optics in the later 1800s. 
 He received his education first in India, until in 1880 he went to England to study medicine at the University of London. Within a year he moved to Cambridge to take up a scholarship to study Natural Science at Christ's College Cambridge. 
One of his lecturers at Cambridge was Professor Rayleigh, who clearly had a profound influence on his later work. In 1884 Bose was awarded a B.A. from Cambridge, but also a B.Sc. from London University. 
Bose then returned to India, taking up a post initially as officiating professor of physics at the Presidency College in Calcutta. Following the example of Lord Rayleigh, Jagdish Bose made extensive use of scientific demonstrations in class; he is reported as being extraordinarily popular and effective as a teacher. 
Many of his students at the Presidency College were destined to become famous in their own right - for example S.N. Bose, later to become well known for the Bose-Einstein statistics By about the end of the 19th century, the interests of Bose turned away from electromagnetic waves to response phenomena in plants; this included studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on plants, a topical field today. 
He retired from the Presidency College in 1915, but was appointed Professor Emeritus. Two years later the Bose Institute was founded. Bose was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1920. 
He died in November 23, 1937, a week before his 80th birthday; hi s ashes are in a shrine at the Bose Institute in Calcutta. A book by Sir Oliver Lodge, "Heinrich Hertz and His Successors," impressed Bose. 
In 1894, J.C. Bose converted a small enclosure adjoining a bathroom in the Presidency College into a laboratory. He carried out experiments involving refraction, diffraction and polarization. 
To receive the radiation, he used a variety of differen! junctions connected to a highly sensitive galvanometer. He plotted in detail the voltage current characteristics of his junctions, noting their non-linear characteristics. 
He developed the use of galena crystals for making receivers, both for short wavelength radio waves and for white and ultraviolet light. 
Patent rights for their use in detecting electromagnetic radiation were granted to him in 1904. In 1954 Pearson and Brattain gave priority to Bose for the use of a semi-conducting crystal as a detector of radio waves. Sir Neville Mott, Nobel Laureate in 1977 for his own contributions to solid-state electronics, remarked that "J.C. Bose was at least 60 years ahead of his time" and "In fact, he had anticipated the existence of P-type and N-type semiconductors." 
In 1895 Bose gave his first public demonstration of electromagnetic waves, using them to ring a bell remotely and to explode some gun powder. In 1896 the Daily Chronicle of England reported: “The inventor (J.C. Bose) has transmitted signals to a distance of nearly a mile and here in lies the first and obvious and exceedingly valuable application of this new theoretical marvel.” 
Popov in Russia was doing similar experiments, but had written in December 1895 that he was still entertaining the hope of remote signalling with radio waves. The first successful wireless signalling experiment by Marconi on Salisbury Plain in England was not until May 1897. The 1895 public demonstration by Bose in Calcutta predates all these experiments. Invited by Lord Rayleigh, in 1897 Bose reported on his microwave (millimeter-wave) experiments to the Royal Institution and other societies in England (8). 
The wavelengths he used ranged from 2.5 cm to 5 mm. In his presentation to the Royal Institution in January 1897 Bose speculated on the existence of electromagnetic radiation from the sun, suggesting that either the solar or the terrestrial atmosphere might be responsible for the lack of success so far in detecting such radiation solar emission was not detected until 1942, and the 1.2 cm atmospheric water vapor absorption line was discovered during experimental radar work in 1944. 
 He was also known as an excellent teacher who believed in the use of classroom demonstrations, a trait apparently picked up while studying with Lord Rayleigh at Cambridge. He influenced many later Indian physicists, including Satyendra Bose (no relation) who later went on to be an influential figure in 20th century physics. Later he turned his attention to plant physiology, where he gained a new sort of fame with continued claims that plants had nervous responses (of a sort) similar to those of animals. 
This led him to explore the effects of drugs on plants, and later, non organic materials such as metals, which he claimed showed similar effects. Much of this was demonstrated through the use of a device he invented called the crescograph, which magnifieć mechanical movements many times and allowed for the direct study of plant growth. Many of his instruments are still on display and remain largely usable now, over 100 years later. 
They include various antennas, polarizers, and waveguides, all of which remain in use in modern forms today. Nature published about 27 papers written by him, which is remarkable when compared to even the greatest of the scientists.

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