DAYANANDA SARASWATI - founder of Arya Samaj
Born : 12 february , 1824
Died : 30 october , 1883
Introduction of Dayanand Saraswati :
Dayananda Saraswati was an Indian philosopher , founder of Arya Samaj , and he first introduce the term "purna sawaraj" and later this follow by tilak ji .
He born as Mool Shankar Tiwari to a pious Gujarati couple in 1824 , Mool Shankar had an inquisitive mind , and a compassionate nature from his childhood . once on a Shivaratri festival day , which is observed by fasting and keeping awake the whole night in obedience to Lord Shiva , he saw a mouse dancing on the Shivalinga idol . He tried to find out from elders why this "God Almighty" could not defend himself against the menace of a petty mice , for which he was rebuked !
Early life :
He born on the 10th day of waning moon in the month of Purnimanta Falguna 12 February 1824 on the tithi to a Hindu family . His father was Karshanji Lalji Kapadi, and his mother was Yashodabai..
The sudden death of a favorite uncle and his beloved sister caused much turmoli in Mool Shankar . He became quite detach from the world , and one day he left home , incognito in search of a guru .
the search was long and arduous . Finally , at the age of thirty - six he founded his mentor in Virajananda Saraswati , who was a blind , but was a master of the ancient lore . The taining was a regorous , and the guru was ruthless . But here was a disciple of a lifetime . As the teacher's fee (gurudakshina - also has a scard connotation in Hindu thought ; it cannot be denied) he wanted his student to devote his life for the revival of hinduism . the guru called him Dayananda .
Dayananda's mission :
Swami Dayananda Saraswati's life and mission form a glorious chapter in the reformation of Hindu religious movement in the 19th century .
Known as the founder of Arya Samaj , Dayananda Saraswatiji reminded hs countrymen of the egalitarian approach of the Vedas . He said that the smrutis and puranas misled people into such practices as untouchability , and exploitation of women . He was primarily responsible for reviving the ancient Indian educational system of gurukula , where students from different strata of the society studied together under one guru without class , or caste discrimination .
In 1886 , Swami Dayananda Saraswati founded the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam , a Gurukul that has branches in India and the United states . Arsha Vidya Gurukulam is an institute for the traditional study of Advati Vedanta , Yoga , Ayurveda , Jyotish , Sanskarit and others classical Hindu studies . The word Arsha means that which is from the Rishis the great seers of ancient India . The word Vidya means knowledge . Thus , Arsha Vidya means the knowledge flowing from the Rishis . THe word Gurukulam , means "family of the teachers" , referring to a residental center for learning with the teacher .
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam offers Indians and non - Indians , Hindus and non - Hindus alike an oppurtinity to study the profoundal spiritual knowledge of the Upanishads , Bhagavad Gita , Brahma - sutras , and other classical Vedanta texts .
Swami Dayananda is currently the most reverted teacher of Advatia Vedanta in the world . he also Founded AIM for Seva for school work in India .